No: UNIONS/JCA/CNA/STRIKE/12                 DATED 10-02-12                                                                                                          
The Suptd of POs
Channapatna Division



            In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Group-C,Group-D &GDS Postal employees of Channapatna Division will go on one day strike on 28.02.2012 following the notice served by Postal JCA, NewDelhi on 10-02-2012. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon One Day Strike are detailed in the Charter of Demands enclosed.

                                                         JCA Channapatna Dvn

1)  Concrete measures to contain price rise.
2) Concrete measures for linkage of employment protection with the concession/incentive package offered to the entrepreneurs,
3) Strict enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive measures for violation of labour laws.
4)  Universal social security cover for the unorganized sector workers without any restriction
5)  Creation of a National Social Security Fund with adequate resources in line with the recommendation, of NCEUS and Parliamentary Standing Committees on Labour, Stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs, the Central Trade Unions also demand immediate action by the Govt. of India to en sure:-
6)  No Contractorisatlon of work of permanent/perennial nature and payment of wages and benefits to the contract workers at the same rate as available to the regular workers of the Industry/establishment
7) Amendment of Minimum Wages Act to ensure universal coverage irrespective of the schedules and fixation of statutory minimum wage at not less than Rs 10,000/-,
8)  Remove the ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity.
9)  Scrap PFRDA Bill/New Pension Scheme; Ensure pension for all.
10) Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate    ratification of ILO conventions 87 and 98.


1. Stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, coporatorisation and privatization of     Governmental functions.
2.   Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.
3.  Revise wages of CGEs with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter.
4.   Regularize the GDS, daily rated workers, contingent and casual workers by bringing  about a definite scheme of regularization.
5.  Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointment ( end the discrimination on compassionate appointment between the Railway workers and other CGEs).
6.  Stop the move to introduce the productivity linked wage system; Performance related pay; introduce PLB in all Departments; remove the ceiling of emoluments for bonus computation.
7.  Settle all items of anomalies (including the MACP related anomalies) raised in the National and Departmental Anomaly Committee within a fixed time frame of two months; Set up the anomaly committees in those Departments where it has not been set up till date with the Standing Committee Members of the National Council; Convene the meeting of the Departmental Council in all Ministries / Departments once in three months as envisaged in the JCM Scheme.
8.   Make the right to strike a legal right and stop curtailment of TU Rights.
9.   Implement all Arbitration Awards.
10.  Raise the interest rate for GPF; Revise the OTA and Night Duty Allowance and Stitching and Clothing Rates of Uniforms.
11.  Merge DA with Pay for all purposes including Pension as and when the DA rates cross the 50% mark.
12.  Vacate all Trade Union Victimizations.

wish you happy new year and sankrathi-2012

Request for adding following issues in the Resolution 27th Circle conference which was held at Shimoga

         Com Chikkasidde Gowda
         Divisional Secretary
         AIPEU (Gr-C)
         Channapatna Division
         working as PA at Ramanagara-562159

     Com S S Manjunath
     Circle Secretary
     AIPEU (Gr-C)
Karnataka Circle

                                    Sub: Request for adding following issues in the Resolution
27th Circle
conference which was held at Shimoga.

                        In connection with the above subject, it is here by requested to add following issues of Channapatna Division in the resolution of
27th Circle

  1. Torch being given to officials by administration to procure business beyond the    rules of Department.
  2. Set right the problem of acute shortage of PAs in Channapatna division.
  3. Immediate approval of pending inward Rule-38 transfer of PAs to Channapatna division.
                        It is once again requested to add following issues of Channapatna Division in the resolution of
27th Circle
                        In addition to this I request you to send further Union correspondences to Ramanagara SO-562159 as I am working at Ramanagara SO

                                                With Red Salute


                                                      (Chikkasidde Gowda)
                                                      Divisional Secretary
                                                      Ph : 9449524657
               e mail Id: 1) AIPEUSECRETARY@gmail.com
                                2) channapatnaaipeu@gmail.com